If organizations are focusing on regular growth initiatives and timely learnings for their employees than they should have all the more emphasise on the benefits to be reaped from such long-term investments. Organizational leaders should be responsibility bearers to bring these benefits to life by giving more importance to sustainable digital learning adoption process which should be effective even for last person of the hierarchy and on the other hand should bring in digital maturity to make the learning journey transforming for organizations as well as the individuals.
To make it easy to implement at any phase of corporate life cycle, I suggest leaders to keep in mind the cognitive factors, behavioural factors and environmental factors which contributes to the total learning experience of your employees making it implicit for a leader to supply efforts to areas of ‘accessibility of the learning system’, ‘retention of the learners’, ‘acknowledging the learning accomplishments’ and ‘providing progression in and beyond the learning horizon’. Such an approach for a leader, devises and promises far more workforce transformation than what one would have thought of while aligning digital learning initiatives with their organizational strategic objectives!
If organizational leaders would follow such a model of practice for their digital learning experience, it would be soon realized as the biggest benefit of having their team members self-actualized for such an unprecedented thirst of learning which can only be imagined being quenched if given more. Well, more would not be anything definite, isn’t it? But that is good in a way because there is a hell lot of learning content for your organizational consumption.
If your company has large learning appetite than go for a Learning Xperience Platform (LXP) and Learning Marketplace which shall serve to your personalized and experiential learning needs perhaps to have such consumer-grade and enterprise-level online applications would just fill the gap and promote the cause but would not talk about implementing it. So, your next question to me should be how to implement? And I have a ready answer for you to read it below.
Implementing tactics in light of your strategic goals will fetch learning benefits, one can also realize benefits which were never expected or planned, such an unplanned gain is a benefit which is a resultant of the primary benefits, specifically plotted for learning were conquered. For instance, a leader would align learning objectives for his team members, offer learning incentives, ensures timely completion and then validate whether or not the skill has been absorbed by setting up quick skill set exams, certifications and real-time work assignments in proportion. These are further implemented and practiced as an enterprise-wide initiative through tranches, helping the organization to evolve as an online learning eco-system. What should take away us with a big surprise in such a strategic game play is the unknown or rather unexpected nested benefit of having a collegial organization in realization.
A collegial culture of the corporate will become the insignia of employer-employee partnership when the leaders would exhibit empiricism in processes and practices by accepting values of courage, commitment, focus, openness and respect. Such an organizational model for learning and growth will induce business and organizational agility which will be almost unstoppable and sustainable because the reason being, it originates from leaders and is supported by the culture of the organization. Soon organizational issues related to non-adopters of your online learning platform, non-learners and non-performers would be trivial as there would be whistle blowers at every level. Even when there are new generation technologies, frameworks and processes being considered to be adopted, firms may not see the need for resource fitment check to perform, perhaps a taboo, but in-trend, sacking team member who do not cater to organizational needs.
The crux of the matter is, just enough learnings being planned and celebrating often to recognize the effort and accomplishment while team members would be home grown to be with ‘not-ready-to-relent attitude’, importantly not by reinforcement but by their own will! In such a growth culture, ‘not-so-keen jacks’ would make their way out while your organization shall manifest every opportunity of capability building, freedom, learning, gusto and enthusiasm, setting up an example for the world to emulate!!
Now the question which can pop up your head; Are you ready for such a culture? Are you interested for having a learning blueprint being provided by organizations? Well, that’s where we are heading in the future regardless of what you answer for those questions. Never then before it has been important to have a learning blueprint for your organization and your team members to have total strategic control and decisive competitive edge, so gear up for a guaranteed master blaster organizational performance which rests on the pillars of inclusive and progressive organizational learning.